The first problem that comes to my mind when I think in this topic is inequality. I think in this country that is the principal problem we have to resolve. The neoliberal system, implemented in Chile thirty years ago, impacted all the spheres of our society, and primarily the education. Actually in Chile it’s by means of the education that can be perpetuated the socials inequalities. (We have to remember that Chile it’s one of the countries with distributions more inequalities on the world. Considering the IPC, inequality between rich people and poor people it’s of 53 times. Our country it’s placed next to Zambia, Nigeria and Ethiopia in inequalities statistical. ) It’s incredible how knowing the social origin or “crib” you can know how many possibilities could have that person to ascend in his life. In Chile the social ascension it’s almost inexistent: rich people assure the life of his childrens since they are kids. They pay privates a school who offers a better education than public schools, so when they are young they have more tools for ingress to the university than people of down stratums. Well, if they didn’t learn in the school they could ingress to a private university where only you need pay it. The system for ingress to the university doesn’t’ measure flairs or abilities, it’s a filter of social class.
That it’s the reason why I think inequality it’s the principal topic that we have to resolve today if we want that education be a liberation tool who help to avoid the inequality, and not a inequalities reproduction’s machine.